Heidi Klum Steals the Show in Worm Costume

Supermodel Heidi Klum – also known as the “Queen of Halloween” – threw her iconic Halloween party on Monday, 31 October, and wormed her way into the spotlight (quite literally).
The 49-year-old model held her annual party – which was postponed for the previous two years due to the coronavirus pandemic – in New York City, New York. Klum earned howls of laughter from the gathered crowd with her realistic worm costume, which reportedly took 10 hours to put together.
The grub-garbed star squirmed her way into the party alongside her husband, Tokio Hotel guitarist Tom Kaulitzonto, who was dressed as a fisherman with a bloody eye.
Klum is known for her outrageous Halloween costumes in honour of the special evening, having previously transformed into a gory alien; Fiona from the “Shrek” movies; the werewolf from Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” music video and many more fantastical outfits over the years.
In September, the Victoria’s Secret model spoke with an international publication, saying: “I can’t let my Halloween fans down. I don’t want to let them down, so I’ve gotta [sic] bring it!”
According to reports, Klum ditched the worm suit once she was inside the party, swapping it out for a sheer bedazzled bodysuit and brown boots. However, her worm face mask remained firmly in place.
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